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About chemical

We are legal manufacturers and reliable suppliers of Potassium Cyanide
which is a colorless crystalline compound. Our potassium cyanide is
known by jewelry dealers and many others for its extreme and
exceptional high quality and purity also chemical gilding and buffing
properties. Our gold mining, organic synthesis, and electroplating
customers have never looked elsewhere ever since they tested our
product. Potassium cyanide is offered in powder or cylindrical tablet.
It is an inorganic compound with the formula KCN. This colorless
crystalline compound, similar in appearance to sugar, is highly
soluble in water. Most KCN is used in gold mining, organic synthesis
and electroplating. We can offer you three grades at very moderate
rates;KCN 90%,KCN 98% and KCN 99%. Contact us for more details. We can
also accept very small quantity order for lab-use, such as
50-1,000Grams. We welcome your order. contact us on email:


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