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Wire Cutting Machine for clc blocks.

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Company Address: Dev prayag chs, Bhakti Mandir,Hari Niwas Circle.Thane

About Gubbi Enterprises : Our firm is counted among prominent manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of high performance construction equipment. The diversified array offered by us confirms to the industry stated quality standards and have versatile application areas....More

Wire Cutting Machine for clc blocks.

  ☎  Call for the product :9322451475 / 7498532822

clc blocks,clc plants,clc machine,clc making machine,clc block making machine, light weight block machine.

CLC ( light block wire cutting machine) Machine massif dimension (H/L/W): 1800/1600/1900mm or machine size depends on mold cover size. Power capacity required: 4hp. Size of total mold block (L/W/H): 1200*1200*625or850mm. (In which size: 0.9mm block cube can be cut.) Material required: only fly ash cement blocks can be cut. Actual output: 8 to 10 hours or depend on casting. Operating mode: Automatic. Operating time for machine: 3 to 5 min. Operating staff: 3 to 5 persons. Description of block cutting: Block cube cutting size depends on mold cover size. Cube is cut from top to bottom direction. Actual output depends on casting time and strength of machine depends on gear box capacity.
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Keyword: clc blocks,clc plants,clc machine,clc making machine,clc block making machine, light weight block machine.

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