ewaymax technology pvt ltd
About ewaymax technology pvt ltd
Ewaymax Technology Pvt Ltd. is a Leading Manufacturer and value-added distributor for All Types of industrial scales and weighing systems. We support and supply a wide range of scales for industrial, commercial, grocery, retail, research, and laboratory applications including software, printers, and accessories, industrial scales and weighing systems. Since ewaymax designs and fabricates all of the sub-assemblies that make a scale, we can apply our expertise to nearly any situation requiring weighing. Our Vission is to attain recognition as market leader in manufacturing quality products and to provide excellent after sales services. Our R&D division is to develop eco-friendly products in amid global drives to conserve energy and to reduce global warming. Ewaymax is to create an ambience that will echo the desires of customer’s heart and to emerge as the preferred choice for our customers and employees today and in our future.