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Ray Polytech Pvt. Ltd.

Contact Person
Lokesh Maheshwari



G-93, 92, IID Center, RIICO Industrial Area, Kaladwas, Udaipur - 313004 (Raj.) INDIA

About Ray Polytech Pvt. Ltd.

Supplier of Quartz Lumps in India

Ray Polytech Pvt. Ltd. is the largest Supplier of Quartz Lumps in India.  We manufacture Quartz Lumps with 99.997% whiteness and purity which is highly suitable for production of fillers, silica metal and many industrial areas. We have the finest quality of Quartz products for our customers.

Our manufactured Glassy Quartz Lumps are used for various applications such as construction materials; foundry containers, adhesives, abrasives, sandpaper and sandblasting etc, our excellent collection of quartz mineral products are available in various sizes, shapes and designs. We can also provide customized products as per your requirement.

Ray Polytech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading producer, supplier and exporter of Quartz Lumps with high quality provided in different grades and sizes. We offer high volume quartz supplies on a regular basis. Our main objective is to offer one of the best quality quartz lumps to our most esteemed customers.


Website: http://raypolytechminerals.com

Address: G-90, IID Center, RIICO Industrial Area, Kaladwas, Udaipur-313004(Raj.) INDIA

Phone: +91-9887097452

Email: info@raypolytechminerals.com

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Supplier of Quartz Lumps in India

Supplier of Quartz Lumps in India

Supplier of Quartz Lumps in India Ray Polytech Pvt. Ltd. is the largest Supplier of Quartz Lumps in India.  We manufacture Quartz Lumps with 99.997% whiteness and purity which is highly suitable for production of fillers, silica metal and many industrial areas.
Supplier of Quartz Powder in India

Supplier of Quartz Powder in India

Ray Polytech Pvt. Ltd. is well known Supplier Manufacturer and Exporter of Quartz Powder in India. We provide bulk quantity of quartz powder products to our customers on their specific requirements. In the processing of Quartz Powder we only use hygienic raw materials because


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