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Ficher Chem Co. Ltd.

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46 Blackwall Ave

About Ficher Chem Co. Ltd.

Welcome to Ficher Chem Co. Ltd. We are worldwide professional suppliers of pharmaceutical intermediate products. If you need someone you can trust when it comes to delivering absolutely pure Research Chemicals, with us you can be absolutely certain in this regards. Our dedication to quality and scientific integrity has made us one of the most reliable suppliers in the online market, a reputation we take very seriously and work hard to maintain. All our products are excellent in quality, above 99% purity and our prices are very competitive.

In addition to having the largest choice of research chemicals, our customers can also take advantage of our flexible payment options and reliable delivery. This way, we help countless researchers from all continents find those rare and little-investigated research materials that frequently can have a major impact on physical, chemical, biological or pharmacological studies. To fulfill this mission, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our offers by including new research chemicals on our product list as often as we are able to.

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