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F-11/K-316 SF, MB Road, Lado Sarai, New Delhi - 110030

About Silhouette

Silhouette Architects a young and visionary architectural firm formed in the year 2002 by Ar. Suneel Kaushik graduate from MNIT Jaipur 1998 Batch, His five years of exposure as a team member with Ar. Ajay Bharadwaj, Ar. Subhash Dhar & Ar. Suresh Goel to Projects Like Tronica City, IMA Dehradun, IIITM Gwalior during the period 1998 to 2002 has been the foundation stone towards the formation of Silhouette. Based in South District of New Delhi , India Silhouette is organized as a studio practice, with a goal to conceptualize buildings that express the most inspired architectural meaning to the clients. This focus challenges everyone in the Studio to produce at their highest potential. With a team of good strength, design teams works collaboratively in an open studio, coming together for investigative discussions and creative brainstorming.

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